Posts tagged with: development

Quickly Defining a Table Structure From a Query

I recently saw a comment that described getting data into a temp table using SELECT <Columns> INTO <Table>.  The main reason this was done was just for convenience and to speed up getting to the answers they ultimately needed. For...
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T-Shirt Series: The Temporary Line

Throughout the T-Shirt series we have discussed Temp Tables, Table Variables, Derived Tables, and Common Table Expressions (CTE). In this post I will summarize high level differences under normal circumstances. See the articles above for further details. Temp Table Table...
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The value of an effective stand-up

Lately, I have been thinking about how we could execute our stand-up meeting better. Usually when I start questioning the effectiveness of something I like to refocus on the intended value. I recalled a post I read quite a while...
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T-Shirt Series: The CTE (Common Table Expressions)

I have been asked what is the difference between Temp Tables, Table Variables, CTEs, and Derived tables. So I thought I would take this opportunity to do a short blog post on each and then summarize the differences. I like to...
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Generate XSD from Sql query using FOR XML

Transitioning from site specific prototypes to more standardized products for delivery to multiple customer sites has been a driving factor for separating custom source system translations from the product itself. This has led to many of our products having a...
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T-Shirt Series: Derived tables

I have been asked what is the difference between Temp Tables, Table Variables, CTEs, and Derived tables. So I thought I would take this opportunity to do a short blog post on each and then summarize the differences. I like...
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What is Technical Debt

With all the snow lately I know everyone was looking forward to another Summer Friendly T-Shirt Series post. To be honest I did not have time to finish writing the next article in that series yet as I was shoveling...
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T-Shirt Series: The Misunderstood Table Variable

I have been asked what is the difference between Temp Tables, Table Variables, CTEs, and Derived tables. So I thought I would take this opportunity to do a short blog post on each and then summarize the differences. You can check...
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Incorrect SQL71558 error when joining synonyms in SSDT

I recently ran into an issue where the SSDT compiler in Visual Studio was misreporting an error and I wanted to post about the setup and work-around. SSDT, also known as SQL Server Data Tools, is an add-in for Visual...
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T-Shirt Series: What is so special about “TEMP” Tables

I have been asked what is the difference between Temp Tables, Table Variables, CTEs, and Derived tables.  So I thought I would take this opportunity to do a short blog post on each and then summarize the differences. Today we...
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